21 February, 2011

My Lipis chiness new year.

3/2/2011,today is the new day in chiness new year.Open house is always in this day.Everyone will come my house,including Malay,Chiness and India.My breakfast is chicken,lamb and beef in curry but not curry call 'redang'.Besides,stick rice ,onion ,cucumber,this is the most with 'satay'.Sos,Oh my god.O-i -she!(Japan)My friends have come my house and play some 'homemake' game.They also eat all my 'redang' and 'satay' but never mind .

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我在今年的3月成功脱单! 这是值得庆祝的大事项;因为我不仅仅是脱单,是摆脱母胎单身的标签! 这也意味着我的人生多了一份情——爱情…… 我是这样形容我的初恋: 我和他在一起的半年是网恋。 因为我们上网认识也在线上谈情。 我觉得谈情有点夸张的形容,我们更像是互相嘘寒问...