23 April, 2011

Those days...

Here i need 2 thx Chi v n jinwen

Those days
make me so tired
Crying again n again
Now write this post also don have any energy

Late 4 sleep
Late 4 rest
Late 4 say good bye
Everythings is 2 late...

Until now i also can't believe...he pass away...
He look like sleepy...
His children know their daddy death
But they 2 small
                        not really know the true meaning of death
Look at my mom
                  da jiu mu
They crying...
                   " woman/girl is making by water/liquid "
They say like that 2 their friends when they r crying...

Walk here
Sit there
Work here
Rest there

2day he move 2 his "new house"
2day I crying again n again
Those 100 days i can't go birthday party
                                        wedding party
                                        n more party...i can't go...

Those things happen like a dream...
But is true...

C newspaper have some accident happen
I though those accident will not happen in my famliy
but .................happen.....................

2 fast this news over my mind...
I can't believe...
In my mind , he just fall asleep...he don die,right?
( ps : LOL,he already die,i know)


ㄨJiAㄨ said...


jinwen said...



我在今年的3月成功脱单! 这是值得庆祝的大事项;因为我不仅仅是脱单,是摆脱母胎单身的标签! 这也意味着我的人生多了一份情——爱情…… 我是这样形容我的初恋: 我和他在一起的半年是网恋。 因为我们上网认识也在线上谈情。 我觉得谈情有点夸张的形容,我们更像是互相嘘寒问...