06 July, 2011

Forgive me that I can't forgive U

What a feeling...

"U" already long time don visit me...

Not very miss u...

Look at ur pic,
have a little bit }{appy.

But when I look 1 more time,
I become angry...

until now I still angry

Not very angry
just little bit angry loh...

Y I need 2 hate U ?
I always ask myself like that.
But no 1 can answer me...
I just left it behind...
Some 1 say he/she can forgive
4 me--Can't.

U hurt me,
I will remember...
This is me.

If U tell me,can't 4give some 1 is a bad things...
But this is me.
I can't 4give ppl.
Whatever u r eldest than me
Whatever u r younger than me
I also can't 4give U.

But I will not angry U
               scored U
Cause I care U,
so I will keep inside my heart.

Don tell anyone.
Don tell anything.
Don tell anyplace.
Don tell anytime.
Just tell in my heart.

Please forgive me,
don tell U anything.
Please forgive me,
don tell U anyone.
Please forgive me,
don tell U ...

'Cause I want 2 protect myself.

This is the reason y need U 2 forgive me that I can't forgive U...Sorry,Guys...

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我在今年的3月成功脱单! 这是值得庆祝的大事项;因为我不仅仅是脱单,是摆脱母胎单身的标签! 这也意味着我的人生多了一份情——爱情…… 我是这样形容我的初恋: 我和他在一起的半年是网恋。 因为我们上网认识也在线上谈情。 我觉得谈情有点夸张的形容,我们更像是互相嘘寒问...